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Transformational Life Coaching

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Are you looking for motivation to move forward with hope and optimism?

You want actionable steps and self reflection exercises that help you heal from limiting beliefs.

You need strategies to overcome challenges of uncertainty and self doubt and to replace these with self love, self respect and a strong sense of self worth.

You are interested in exploring how to discover or redefine your sense of purpose and creativity.

You are looking for guidance and insight as to how to cope with and navigate life-altering events.

You wish to acknowledge and celebrate the small wins along the way. To feel inspired. To feel supported.

You have come to the right place. I will always be your greatest ally and cheerleader!

Specific areas I can coach you in:

  • Lack of focus
  • Maximising your potential
  • Sense of purpose
  • Productivity/taking action
  • Creative blocks
  • Image/personal brand
  • Confidence/self belief
  • Happiness/fulfilment
  • Imposter syndrome
  • Setting boundaries/Assertiveness
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Work/Life balance
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Gaining clarity
  • Goal setting
  • Stress reduction
  • Feelings of isolation
  • Playing to your strengths
  • Accessing your true potential
  • Planning and strategy

I specialise in coaching creative, forward thinking individuals who are eager to harness their innate creativity, unlock their full potential and embark on a transformative journey towards achieving their most ambitious personal and professional goals.

I see navigating change and embracing life transitions as fundamental aspects of personal development and growth.

As a Life Coach I use my life experience and perspectives on creativity and personal growth to help others achieve the lives they wish to lead. I help unlock potential and foster self expression.

I am inspired both by the individual and the effect that a kind and articulate approach to life can create in communities.

Lucia Santa Maria

My Coaching

I offer a spectrum of services to fit all needs and timeframes. Specific prices on enquiry.


This consultation will be valuable in itself. The purpose of this one hour long session is:

  • To get to know each other and whether the fit is right to commence working together.
  • To discuss where you are now, where you'd like to be, how I can help you get there.
  • To discuss which package options are appropriate for you.


Navigate transitions and unlock your creativity

This programme is extremely focussed and if you wish to create real momentum whilst instigating change, this is the most effective course of action. Within three months your life will have transformed and you will see tangible results on many levels.

  • Depending on your needs, this includes between 6 and 9 sessions within the timeframe.
  • Each session runs around 90 minutes within a 12 week period, via zoom or in person with prior arrangement.
  • Actionable processes exercises and occasional reading to implement between sessions for deeper and accelerated progress.
  • Access to me via email between sessions at any time during the course duration.


3 dynamic 90 minute sessions over a 6 week period, that provide structure and clarity to your self improvement efforts and focus on goal achievement

A framework is created to utilise skills you have, identify skills you need or to up-level current skills.

We identify your true values, align these values with your path forward and help you become more intentional about your growth.

We will create outcome statements to help guide you on your way forward, so you have total clarity on targets you'd like to hit.

Creating a plan you can revisit and update, which is invaluable for you to remain aligned as your goals and aspirations evolve.


This is a powerful 2 hour session that breaks through limiting thoughts and digs deep into more subconscious thinking that could be creating roadblocks that hinder either your personal development, happiness and contentment levels, or achievements in life.

The session is designed to create breakthrough results FAST. I use my skills as a master NLP practitioner to help unlock your more unconscious thoughts and dreams for your future.

This can be booked as a one off or as an add on to a package and any point that requires the extra excavation.


I have created this exciting specialised package for my clients, where I combine personal styling with a deep dive coaching experience. For a limited time I am offering a 25% discount on this package, making it the perfect present for a loved one for Christmas or a gift to yourself.


Longer term contracts are also available in 6 and 12 month packages, for clients who wish to take a longer journey with coaching to support them all along the way.

The fees range from £450 to £10k and you can expect a bespoke experience, immediate results and a true return on your investment.

I look forward to our journey together



Lucia Santa Maria

As a young child growing up in west london in a multicultural family I faced challenges from the get go. After the breakup of my parents marriage my mother suffered mental health problems and as a result childhood was sometimes a dangerous and unpredictable experience for my sister and myself.

However london was having a metamorphosis and being Generation X, with a resourceful mindset from a very young age, my adolescence and twenty's were full of colour, music, experimentation, love, freedom, friendship and adventure.

Then came my 30's and motherhood and marriage. My beautiful son was born with cerebral palsy and autism. I experienced post natal depression, single parenting, levels of anger disappointment and struggle I had never seen coming.

Yet at the same time I have been lucky enough to have incredible friendships and fostered my own support network as I've travelled around the world and lived abroad. I experienced great success in my career as a television Costume Designer which spanned three decades.

I have worked with all kinds of celebrities and well known personalities. I was always passionate about creating visual characters and loved good writing. I was also passionate about mentoring and teaching, which I have done throughout my work in the industry.

I was coaching way before I ever realised!

Qualifying as a Life Coach and NLP practitioner was the natural next step.

I now work with some extraordinary clients, whether younger or older who never cease to inspire me. Writers, actors, musicians, business people creatives, they all have had a craving to shake things up and make a mark. It's my absolute purpose and core motivation to help my clients use their natural strengths talents and skills to make a positive impact whether it's on a personal, community or even global level.

Other things about me:

  • I'm irreverent
  • I'm respectful
  • I'm funny
  • I love words
  • I love dancing
  • I love stupid accents
  • I live to travel
  • I'm introverted and private
  • I like public speaking
  • I love a perfect martini
  • I don't judge you
  • I sometimes judge myself too hard
  • I love being blonde
  • I love being a woman
  • I wish I could be a man for a week
  • Birthdays are the best
  • I hate Christmas.
  • I have huge energy
  • I walk fast
  • I love dogs
  • I'll drive
  • I always want to be surprised and delighted by Life
  • I often am
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I'm looking forward to help you gain clarity, insight and motivation towards achieving your dream goals.

Send a message to to book a short consultation free of charge.

If you would like to book a retreat or receive more information, then please get in contact.

Phone: +44 07919 408892

Email: [email protected]

Follow me on instagram: @luciasantamaria.life